The X-Philes - Hell on Earth Part 2

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The Next Day

FBI Headquarters Washington 9.30 am

The lift door opens into the basement and Doggett steps out and heads towards the X Files office. Mulder is inside reading a magazine. Doggett knocks on the door. Mulder jumps and throws the magazine in the open bottom draw of his desk in a well rehearsed manouever.

Mulder: 'What can I do for you Agent Doggett? If you keep coming down here people are going to start talking.'

Doggett: 'If I didn't need your help Mulder I wouldn't be here again. I feel like the third person in this office.'

Mulder: 'So not a social visit then!'

Doggett: 'No, I want to know if you've ever come across anything like this?'

He shows Mulder a photograph of Brother Francis's injuries.

Mulder: 'Can't say that I have. They don't look natural, though.'

Doggett: 'That's what the ME said. She reckoned that the only thing that could cause burns like that were chemical or oil explosions and he was the only thing burnt.'

Mulder: 'Why would anyone set fire to a monk?'

Doggett: 'Robbery. A sword that was kept in the safe was stolen. The Abbott says that was what the thief was after 'cos they left the church silver alone. I've got a real bad feeling about this.'

Mulder: 'Why?'

Doggett: 'It's something the Abbott said. He said that the sword had something to do with evil being let loose in the world. Evil as in the devil and we've been investigating ritual murders in DC. I want to know if whoever's been collecting these swords is responsible for the murders.'

Mulder: 'There's more than one of these swords?'

Doggett: 'According to Catherine - you remember her, she was with me when we came to see you a few months ago - there's definitely two maybe four. She told me about the theft of a similar sword in England the MO is the same, look.'

He hands Mulder the file.

Doggett: 'Maybe these swords are tied to black magic somehow.'

Mulder: 'For someone who doesn't believe you've come up with a way-out theory.'

Doggett: 'Hey, where I come from the devil is big business. Folks are superstitious; anything goes wrong blame the devil. Anyway, back when I was with the NYPD we were investigating ritualistic murders centred in Brooklyn. Some group of devil worshippers believed that they could set the devil free but they stopped. We never did find out why and our chief suspects had alibies for the last murder. Now someone else has started in DC - I don't know if they are the same group.'

Mulder: 'I don't know if I can help you. We haven't come across Devil worship too many times in the X Files. Why don't you try the occult boys upstairs.'

Doggett: 'I tried, but when I explained my theory they sent me to you. Their exact words were "go to the basement and join spooky Mulder". So do you want to help me or not?'

Mulder: 'Ok. Scully's visiting her brother this weekend so I'm on my own. Where do we start?'

Doggett: 'Ah... I was going to ask you the same thing.'

*Mobile rings*

Doggett: 'John Doggett.'

Catherine: 'It's Catherine, I've got a lead for you.'

Doggett: 'Great, what is it?'

Catherine: 'Another sword has come up for auction and it's in your neck of the woods.'

Doggett: 'What here in DC?'

Catherine: 'Yep. It's called Cymru and guess what... its sister Caledonia was sold at Christies in DC a couple of day's ago. No one knows if this is it or if there are any more, sorry I tried.'

Doggett: 'So someone has Erin, Albion and Caledonia and is going after Cymru for the set. Have you any idea who?'

Catherine: 'Nope! Why don't you ask at Christies?'

Doggett: 'I was going to, smartass. Can you send me the information. I won't get it right away, I'm in Mulder's office.'

Catherine: 'The alien's haven't come for him then.'

Doggett: 'Fraid not, he's still here.'

Catherine: 'Get him to say hi to the "little green men" for me. I've got to go, hope this will help.'

Doggett: 'Ok, I'll talk to you soon. Thanks for the tip, bye.'

He hangs up and turns to Mulder.

Doggett: 'That was Catherine. She's given me a lead if you'd like to join me. By the way, she says say hi to the little green men for her.'

Mulder frowns.

Mulder: 'You'll be sorry when I'm proved right.'

Doggett: 'Yeah yeah. So do you want to help me or not?'

Mulder: 'Sure, what else can I do on a wet Friday.'

They leave the office


Christies Auction House Washington DC 11.00 am

Mulder and Doggett walk through the doors and walk over to the reception desk.

Doggett: 'Morning. I'm Agent Doggett and this is Agent Mulder.' (flash ID badges) 'I called you earlier about the sale of a medieval sword.'

Receptionist: 'Oh yes. I'll just let Ms McLaren know you're here.'

She picks up the phone and starts to speak.

Receptionist: 'She's on her way down.'

They turn to look around them.

Doggett: 'I always feel out of place in these kind of places.'

Mulder: 'Surrounded by dusty old relics that belong to a different time? Sounds like Kersh's office to me.'

As they start laughing they don't hear a woman come up behind them.

Woman: 'Well, well, well, Detective Doggett. Guess it's true what they say about bad pennies.'

They turn around to see a woman standing with her hands on her hips and a look of hate on her face.

Doggett: 'Jude McLaren It's nice to...'

He gets no further because she slaps him hard across the face. Hard enough to knock him off balance and cause his lip to bleed. People rush
over to stop her.

Man: 'Ms McLaren, please! What has come over you? I'm so sorry Sir, she's a bit stressed.'

Jude: 'No I'm not. This asshole deserved it! I've been waiting for years to get my own back.'

Mulder gives Doggett his hand to help pull him up off the floor.

Mulder: (whispers) 'What did you do to her?'

Doggett: 'Jude and her sister were my prime suspects for the Ritual murders in Brooklyn.'

Jude: 'Typical of the narrow minded. If you don't practise one of the recognised religions you're automatically a devil worshipper.'

Doggett: 'Do you have any idea how much trouble you're in? Assaulting a federal agent carries a stiff penelty.'

Jude: 'If you're going to arrest me for that I may as well make it worth while.'

She draws her fist back to punch Doggett. Mulder steps between them and catches Jude's arm.

Mulder: 'Ok children that's enough. I don't like to referee playground fights in public. Can we finish this little reunion in your office please?'

Jude: 'Of course Detective... umm'

Mulder: 'Mulder - and we're from the FBI.'

Jude: ( To Doggett ) 'Boy, J Edger Hoover must be spinning in his grave if they accepted you.' (To Mulder) 'Sorry, that was uncalled for. Follow me please.'

Man: 'Ms McLaren, I'm waiting for an explanation.'

Jude: 'I'm sorry, Mr Duval, but this... FBI agent was responsible for the scandal that split my family apart. He was responsible for Vicki's divorce and her losing custody of Shannon, my wrecked career and overdose and the fact our parents haven't spoken to us for ten years. All because he was too narrow minded to accept that Druid's don't worship the Devil. I'm sorry I embarassed you.'

Mulder: 'Don't worry, Sir. I'll be responsible for these two, I'll keep them apart.'

The crowd disperses muttering 'shame', 'I knew they'd been fitted up', 'what a b*****d.' Mulder and Doggett follow Jude to her office. Doggett looks suitably ashamed of himself.

Mulder: 'Well it looks like the public laundry day is over now. You ok?'

Doggett: 'Yeah don't worry about me. I deserved every word...'


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