The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated Aug 12, 2004
Dear Poet
Dear Poet I have read your poem 'magic'
To me it sounds just little tragic
This man must be a fool my dear
If he cannot whisper in your ear
And tell you this man, he is a fool
Maybe you should throw him in a pool
If you could oh Poet dear
Make a few things more clear
How does this man tease?
Could you tell us please?
If you would call on me
I would, dear poet answer thee
Dearest Poet if I knew I would tell
Even if it meant from others eyes I fell
If I knew I loved even a poet, you
I'd run all the way over so you wouldn't be blue
Once I was over I wouldn't jest or tease
but would ask dear poet marry me please
How could such a question he ask in jest
This man is the greatest pest
That I have ever seen
And possibly that has ever been
Marriage is a sacred thing
Is he even now laughing?
At first did he seem keen?
And now just plain mean?
He probably loves you
But I do not know, maybe it is so
One day you will have to decide
Whether to live or just hide
Dear little Poet
I feel like I owe it
To everyone here
To give this man a thick ear
I have a spell that might counter his spell
But the poor fellow will end up drowning in jello