The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated Apr 18, 2010

I often do some DIY
To help improve my home.
But it seldom goes just like the plan —
My attention starts to roam.
At first it'll be the little things
That start to cause me woe.
The hammer hits my finger...
And a nail goes through my toe!
Then things, they seem to escalate;
The walls they start to crumble.
At least the picture's hanging there,
I really shouldn't grumble.
But the curtain rail it starts to sag —
Not looking all that straight.
Perhaps I should just lean on it —
Give it a bit of weight!
Now that looks much better,
You can hardly see the tilt.
But when I add the curtains,
The whole thing begins to wilt.
As the fixings pull out from the wall,
With mortar and some grit,
I'll just come on to Hootoo and say...
Aww! To hell with it!