To the first update of the Greebo T. Cat newsletter. Bringing you news and information about the most important
person in your life. Me!!!

h2g2 Artist
So what's been happening in the world of Greebs, well me supposes the most important news is that me is part of the soon to be officially formed h2g2 Community Artists Scheme. You may have noticed our work around h2g2, the new Smileys . They are getting a mixed reception at various forums around the guide, but me thinks for the most part reasearchers seem to like them. Me wonders if you can guess the ones me had a paw in... ~grin~ Why not tell me your guesses, me might even admit up to them if you are right...
The Brunel Issue
Another big developement in h2g2 this week was the unvailing of a new skin, Brunel. Now me has always been a goo fan, me hated alabaster and was not keen to give Brunel a go. But being an ACE me realised that me should get to know this new version of h2g2. Surprisingly with use, me is finding that me is really rather quite liking it... though elements that me enjoys with goo are missing... the overal package is really quite pleasing. Despite initial trepidation... and the glaring whiteness me delved into the new skin and have not gone back to Goo as yet... and actually may never return to the royal blueness. So my advice to anyone dithering over which skin to use, give Brunel a try for a few days not hours. It may not be perfect... me misses frames... and Linda... ~grin~ .. but then what in the world is... oh.. except for me of course... ~bigger grin~
Birthday News
Yes indeed me is happy to annouce that me celebrates my fourth birthday on Saturday 24th August... Me has already been given some quite wonderful presents... doughnuts... doughnuts and more doughnuts... ~happy grin~ Thank you everyone for being so wonderfuly kind and generous... me is quite overwhelmed... you really don't deserve me you know... ~grin~  
| The Post For those that don't already know, me is the Deputy Editor to h2g2's community newspaper The Post.  Every Thursday it arrives on your virtual doorstep with news, reviews, gossip and funnies to cater for any mood you happen to be in. ~grin~ So me has a boss, and she's really nice... honest... her name's Shazz... and we get along like a house on fire... plus she pays me in doughnuts... what more could me ask for?
The Greebo Mantra Hmmm... what else has me been up to, well for those who don't visit the GAS homepage that often, you might not have noticed a new link has been added to the Greebo Mantra. It's something me does every hour of every day, me thinks you should to... it'll make you feel better... honest!!!! Based on an ancient text once shown to me by the Great Cheshire Cat himself, this mantra has sustained me spiritually and emotionally... and it can only do good things to you. Chant the mantra at least once a day... and see what happens...
How to Make a Hemp Bracelet Me knows you will all be happy to hear that me has had another entry accepted for the guide. How to Make a Hemp Bracelet is with a sub editor as we speak... So hopefully it will be adorning the Front Page shorty... or at least soon... er... soonish at any rate... ~grin~ Anyway... keep watching this space for updates.
Society News G.A.S.has now reached the heady heights of 125 members... the latest to join our merry band of brothers and sisters is Phlooey... An extremily nice person and very proud holder of number 125. You can keep an eye on the full list of members at the Greebo Appreciation Society Members page, which is updated whenever a new member joins.
Other Greebo Stuff Smiley Racing
Bet virtual money on virtual racing. Alphabet Sentance Challenge
Make a sentance using every letter in the alphabet in the correct order. The WALL
A virtual WALL of thoughts and dreams of your fellow researcher. h2iq The quiz of h2g2 |