The X-Philes - Allies Part Six
Created | Updated Sep 23, 2004

Part Six
Scene: FBI Headquarters 6th May 2002, 10.30am
The scene changes. Doggett is pacing up and down the main entrance to the Hoover building. Catherine runs up the steps and through the door. Doggett spots her and moves forward to speak to the security guard.
Doggett: 'Ok let her through she's with me.'
The guard nods.
Catherine: 'What the hell's going on John? What's with the cloak and dagger stuff? What did you find out?'
Doggett: 'I'll let Agent Mulder explain it to you. I don't quite believe it myself. What else did you find out?'
Catherine: 'Well, it seems Diana put her gossiping talents to good use. She became a gossip columnist for one of the society magazines, Harpers and Queen or something like that. Anyway, because of her magazine connections, she got an invite to the best parties and heard the best gossip which she passed on on the FBI.'
Doggett: 'So she did become Miller's contact then.'
Catherine: 'And not just his contact. It seems they were lovers, too, for a very long time. They got married in 1965 when their youngest child graduated from school. It was a family joke that they would only get married when the kids left school so they did. It caused quite a scandal.'
Doggett: 'After what I read last night I can believe it. What about the others?'
Catherine: 'Well Miller went on to uncover several major spy rings. With Diana's help he was the spycatcher general kind of thing. Alain Crowley was reassigned to the embassy in Russia and died of unknown causes in 1962. He had his left arm amputated after an accident near Tunguska... and the Spenders, well, what a crazy mixed up family they were.'
Doggett: 'Tell me when you meet Mulder and Scully.'
Catherine: 'Do they really know what's going on?'
Doggett: 'I really don't know. Mulder's come up with some whacked out theory about aliens taking over the world, but I'll let you decide.'
They arrive at Mulder and Scully's office.
Doggett: 'This is Catherine McGuire, Catherine this is Agent Mulder and Agent Scully.'
Catherine: suprised 'Wow... Agent Scully... wow... erm... God this is spooky... it's like looking at a ghost! Erm... do you have a reletive called Diana Scouler?'
Scully: 'No I don't think so, why?'
Catherine hands over Diana's picture.
Catherine: 'You could be twins.'
Scully: 'Wow, you're not kidding! This is spooky.'
Mulder looks at the picture.
Mulder: 'Maybe there was a mix up at the hospital and this is your real mother.'
Scully gives Mulder a withering look.
Scully: 'So what gives about the Spender family? We know one of them, Jeffery Spender, was killed in an explosion here in this office about three years ago. His mother, Cassandra, was used in experiments to make a human-alien hybrid.'
Catherine: 'Well the Spender in this story left the Bureau under a cloud in 1963. Mis-use of power and resources, manipulating agents in his department for his own plans including his own illegitimate son - your Jeffery Spenders father. Whispers were that he was involved in JFKs assassination.'
Doggett: 'How did you get all this information? You couldn't have got all this from Public Records.'
Catherine: 'Don't forget I'm a historian. I've got contacts all over the world. I called in a few favours,' pulls face 'and made a few promises I've no intention of keeping to get this information. It seems that the son had a bit of a cloud over his head too. He was moved to 'Special Duties' by the government at his fathers insistance. Then his involvement gets a bit vague.'
Mulder: 'We can take it from there. The Syndicate was formed to help the alien colonists create an alien human hybrid slave race. They used their own families as lab rats; his wife, my sister, women and children to save his own ass. We busted him a few years ago but he's still out there somewhere.'
Catherine: 'Look, Agent Mulder, why don't you start from the begining of this and tell me where our part of the story fits in.'
Mulder: 'Ok, well it started, we thought, with a crashed Mustang in the Pacific ocean...'
The scene changes to the FBI Headquarters, 1943. Spender, Miles, Rose and Alain are standing in an office.
CSM: ' 'So you're saying you know all about my dealing's with the Russian's in this biological weapons plot? Who would believe you?'
Miles: 'We don't need anyone to believe us, we have proof. All the secret communiques, code transcripts, all your plans for the European refugees you plan to use in your experiments.'
CSM: to Rose 'You have been a busy girl haven't you? How did you find out? Hmm, someone got careless I think, don't you Alain?'
Spender glares at Alain who takes a step back.
Alain: 'What makes you think you can threaten me?'
Miles: 'All I've got to do is go to the Director with this and your ass will be in Sing Sing so quick you'll wonder what hit you.'
CSM: 'I could just kill you both, take back the information you've stolen and no-one would know any different.'
Rose: 'You could try but I don't have the information any more. I sent it to my father's solicitor in London with instructions to say that if either Miles or myself die of anything other than natural causes then all that information goes straight to the director of the FBI.'
CSM: ' You're bluffing.'
Miles: 'Are we? Do you really want to take that chance because the information we have is enough to send you to the electric chair, twice over.'
Alain: 'You are bluffing now.'
Miles: 'Am I? Lets see; spying, treason - those two alone carry the death penalty.'
Rose: 'And the refugees you're using in the experiments - that must violate several laws.'
Miles: 'So do you really want to take the chance that we're bluffing?'
Spender stares at him stoney faced.
Miles: 'Didn't think so.'
Miles and Rose turn to leave.
Miles: 'Don't forget, I will be watching you, sir.'
The door closes. Spender lights a cigarette then gives Alain a backhander across the face.
CSM: 'You fool!! You have ruined everything. I'll see you in hell for this.'
Alain: 'You first old man.'
The scene changes back to Mulder and Scully's office.
Mulder: '... so the aliens are now going around trying to destroy the proof that they've been here.'
Catherine: 'That's some theory Agent Mulder. It's a little hard to swallow... but... it's interesting.'
Mulder: 'So Agent Doggett how about you? It seems your grandfather opened the first X File. If a post becomes available in here do you want first refusal? Sort of keep it in the family.'
Doggett: 'Thanks but no thanks Agent Mulder. I'm happy where I am.'
Catherine: 'Thank you for your time both of you, it's been an... experience. One that I won't forget in a hurry.'
Diana: 'Don't worry we have that effect on most people.'
The four of them shake hands and Doggett and Catherine head for the lift.
Doggett: 'So what did you think of his explanation?'
Catherine: 'I liked it better when we thought it was a biological weapon. I mean, alien colonization! He's been reading too much War of the Worlds.'
Doggett: 'I don't know. I've heard about some of the cases they've been involved in. They don't always have a straightforward conclusion. Maybe there is something in this after all.'
Catherine: 'I know what you mean. Even in my job I come across unexplained phenomina - a ghostly Roman Legion on the march in York, an entire company of soldiers vanished without trace in Turkey during the first world war. I met an old soldier once who swore blind he'd seen angels fighting at the battle of Mons. There is more than black and white out there. Things that can't be explained easily.'
Doggett: 'I suppose. It's still a little hard to take in.'
Catherine: 'It depends what you want to believe. I guess it's something that'll never be solved if that makes any sense.'
Doggett: 'Perfectly. Listen, will you have dinner with me tonight? There's something I want you to do for me seeing as you're kind of like family now.'
Catherine smiles wickedly.
Catherine: 'Isn't that illegal?'
Doggett laughs.
Doggett: 'Not where I come from it isn't.'
Catherine: 'Ok. Call me later. I've still got somethings to do at the Public Records office.'
The scene changes to an old man sitting on the terrace of an old people's home. A nurse comes over to him.
Pinehills Rest Home, Atlanta, Georgia
Nurse: 'Miles, your grandson's here to see you.'
Doggett walks over, pulls up a chair and sits down.
Doggett: 'Hey pops, how you doing?'
Miles: 'What are you doing here? You don't usually come 'till the weekend.'
Doggett: 'I've brought someone to see you.'
Catherine walks towards them.
Miles: 'My God... Rose?'
Doggett: 'Fraid not, but it is her grandaughter Catherine.'
Catherine: 'Hello Mr Doggett.'
Miles: 'My God you look so much like Rose.'
Catherine: 'So I've been told. I came here to give you these.'
Catherine hands over the box file.
Catherine: 'Rose wanted you to have them back.'
Doggett looks at Catherine.
Doggett: 'We might even have some answers for you.'
The scene changes to a filthy hospital room. A young man is strapped to the bed. He is struggling against the bonds. A zippo flares and a cigarette is lit. The CSM watches the young man struggle.
Young man: 'Niet... niet... niet... I... will... see you... in... hell... American.'
CSM: 'Hold him still, Alex. I want no mistakes this time.'
A prosthetic arm moves across the young man's throat and Black Oil drips into his eyes. The young man screams.