The h2g2 Poem
Created | Updated Aug 5, 2004

A Chewy Problem
I have this little problem see
My Master gave this bone to me
It tastes quite funny and smells quite bad
It is the most horrid thing I've ever had
The taste as I have mentioned before
Is just plain nasty so chewing's a chore
I can't seem to take a real good bite
Before my bone goes bouncing out of site
The colour is wrong as well it would seem
Whoever saw a blue bone, I'm not very keen
But my Master seems jolly pleased I chew
So chewing this nasty thing is what I'll have to do
The smell as I have already said
Doesn't really come from something that's dead
Nor strangely I think has it ever been alive
This bone is not from an animal I derive
Maybe tonight when he's gone to his bed
I can slip outside and bury it in those flowers that he wed
And come tomorrow he'll just not have a clue
And I can go back to enjoying making a meal of his shoe