A Conversation for Kingston upon Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
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james007 Started conversation Apr 11, 2000
There's no such place, and people get most upset about it.
It was bad enough when Humberside did exist. But it doesn't any more. Humberside's now called East Yorkshire (if you're north of the Humber), North Lincolnshire (if you're south of the Humber) and good old-fashioned Hull if you're in the Hull area.
Please, for the sake of sanity, remove "Humberside" from the title!
Wand'rin star Posted Apr 12, 2000
It still refers to the airport, which I have been using for the past 30 years, and which no travel agent has ever heard of, and which is seven miles from my home in Lincolnshire. I always fly into Amsterdam (Schipol), have a shower there(!) and hop across the North Sea thus cutting out Heathrow /Gatwick or any other stinkhole and avoiding a long journey on a dirty,unheated train.
james007 Posted Apr 12, 2000
But that's all. And Kingston upon Hull is most certainly not in Humberside.
Zelda Posted Apr 12, 2000
Hallelujah! Support at last!! I've contacted Pasty hoping he'll edit the offending heading, and amend the other errors in the article. Slarti doesnt' seem too pleased about it either. You have no idea how nice it is to get some support on this
james007 Posted Apr 12, 2000
All he/she has to do is remove the "H" word from the title. No, not Hull, the other one.
Wand'rin star Posted Apr 13, 2000
Do you think people who lived in the other cobbled counties were as annoyed as Yorks/Lincs?
When I'm in England I live in Caistor, which is firmly Lincolnshire, but friends up the road in Brigg were hugely put out and refused to use the name on their postal address (although they did suffer the indignity of a DN postcode if they wanted anything delivered) Now it's their turn to laugh - our sorting office has been axed and we're supposed to be using Market Rasen as part of our address. No way!
On a separate idea (should I start a new thread?) H2G2 seems to be getting like any newpaper. You know how when there's something in the paper about something you know about at least_ two_ of the details are wrong? I'm noticing more and more examples of this.
Legolas the Slart Posted Apr 16, 2000
I have living in Hull all my life, and frankly who cares. Its just a name. Its the place that counts, not the name! Also, Hull isn't that great anyway!
james007 Posted Apr 17, 2000
All I know is that my missus gets most annoyed with Humberside, to the point where she grows two feet taller and starts growling. And I'm quite concerned about it.
Wand'rin star Posted Apr 18, 2000
Slarti, you've obviously been there too long. What about trying the other possibility from the old song ie "From Hull and Halifax and Hell good lord deliver me"?
Zelda Posted Apr 18, 2000
Hear,hear, if you think Hull isn't that great you should get out and about more, and see what other places are like, before you form your opinions.
T.R.F.K.A.118991 Posted Apr 22, 2000
Went to a place called 'Yorkshire'. Lots of hills, dry stone walls, towns and cities which all seemed to have, or have had dark satanic mills. Went across to area formerly known as Humberside. Both sides of the estuary look to have a lot in common; flat, prarie type agriculture, two large urban areas where talk is always of an industry (fishing) which A/ no longer exists as it did, and B/has an inversely proportionate contribution in terms of it's actual contribution to the area and outsiders perceptions of the area. Any how, the north side has little in common with the rest of the Yorkshire area, and the same applies to the area of n/ne lincs which bears more resemblance to Saudi Arabia than to Linconshire.
Recommendation : Stick together.
Zelda Posted Apr 24, 2000
You're obviously not a Yorkshireman. The people of Lincolnshire hated 'Humberside' just as much as we did.
james007 Posted Apr 24, 2000
I'm not a Yorkshireman, though my wife is, but I do like things being right. The title for this entry still isn't right. In fact, it's plain wrong. And it needs changing.
james007 Posted May 7, 2000
Thanks. Much appreciated.
Incidentally, my wife's obviously not a Yorkshireman, but a Yorkshirewoman. Hope that's cleared that one up.
ZBeeblebrox Posted May 8, 2000
What about the slightly less old song 'The Road to Hull'?
By the way, it's the East RIDING OF Yorkshire, as proudly announced by the wonderfully large road sign erected behind a bridge pillar on the westbound A63 at Hessle.
Legolas the Slart Posted May 8, 2000
I think we have all gathered that by now!. N E 1 live in kirkella?
Key: Complain about this post
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- 1: james007 (Apr 11, 2000)
- 2: Wand'rin star (Apr 12, 2000)
- 3: james007 (Apr 12, 2000)
- 4: Zelda (Apr 12, 2000)
- 5: james007 (Apr 12, 2000)
- 6: Wand'rin star (Apr 13, 2000)
- 7: Legolas the Slart (Apr 16, 2000)
- 8: james007 (Apr 17, 2000)
- 9: Wand'rin star (Apr 18, 2000)
- 10: Zelda (Apr 18, 2000)
- 11: james007 (Apr 18, 2000)
- 12: T.R.F.K.A.118991 (Apr 22, 2000)
- 13: james007 (Apr 23, 2000)
- 14: Zelda (Apr 24, 2000)
- 15: james007 (Apr 24, 2000)
- 16: Zelda (Apr 25, 2000)
- 17: ZBeeblebrox (May 6, 2000)
- 18: james007 (May 7, 2000)
- 19: ZBeeblebrox (May 8, 2000)
- 20: Legolas the Slart (May 8, 2000)
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