A Conversation for Octopuses - A Guide
165.00.000 million years ago
Alfredo Started conversation Aug 12, 2004
Two months ago, I bought a legal fossile in a museum in Amsterdam.
It seemed to be the shell of a slug.
But I was wrong.
The director told me, it was the shell of an octopussy-like animal,
165.000.000 years ago.
Astonishing !
165.00.000 years ago
Alfredo Posted Aug 12, 2004
Although octopusses can capture my imagination, there is also another "fruit" of their existence;
The absolute wórst song of the Beatles; "Octopussies Garden" sung and written by Ringo.
It could be a good alternative for long prison penalties; listen to it ten times and it drives you mad !
165.00.000 years ago
flyingtwinkle Posted Aug 13, 2004
not so long ago in delhi a baby -sitter friend working with a family learnt from them to cut the limbs of octopusses and cook them because they regrow their limbs
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165.00.000 million years ago
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