A Conversation for Drivers


Post 1

Cannott Spel

Why is it that in London the Black Cab regardless of the colour of the paintjob is still called a black cab. Some of them containing adverts are bright yellow for a phone book directory, in pale orange for a financial paper etc.


Post 2


It's because it's the same shape, the same essence of cabness. The British use 'black cab' to mean a taxi that is licensed to pick up members of the public from the street as oppossed to having to phone for a minicab (as all other taxis are refered to in the UK despite the fact that hardly any of THOSE are Mini's). In the UK only the so called' black cabs' are allowed to be hailed in the street. If any other type of cab picks you up, the driver of that cab is no longer insured.


Post 3

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

also known as hackney cabs smiley - biggrin

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