A Conversation for Sherlock Holmes Part I - the Character
Fancy dress
tired_or_wired Started conversation Apr 30, 2005
I am going to a Superheros and villains pary tomorrow and have an awesome sherlock holmes costume ready to wear. Even if he isn't exactly a superhero I feel his deductive powers are about as super as any other, more traditional powers. It was fairly easy to put together but I still need to get my hands on a pipe and a bigger magnifying glass would be helpfull..
I am currently learning some lingo to complete the costume:
This is a list of the top 10 most famouse quotes:
I have also homed my pronounciation of indubitably but still feel that after a few drinks at the party all my hard work will go down the drain
Has anybody else gone to a party as the legendary detective? or have I since inspired anybody to? please post....
Fancy dress
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Apr 30, 2005
Oh he's definately a superhero!
I loved it when Data dressed as him.
Enjoy your party, I bet you'll be a (after a few drinks no-one'll notice you not pronouncing his words quite so well..
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