A Conversation for In Defence of Pyjamas

special H2G2 spelling?

Post 1


"Defense" is spelled with an "s" rather than a "c" unless I am in some sort of reality warp. Is this one of those famous "approved" guide entries?

special H2G2 spelling?

Post 2

Martin Harper

Isn't that one of these wonderful USA/UK spelling differences?

special H2G2 spelling?

Post 3


No. I looked up this word in the Oxford English dictionary and in the American Webster's. Only saw one spelling. If a British person has alternative information, I will be glad to be proven wrong.

special H2G2 spelling?

Post 4

I think this is me

UK spelling is "defence".. and this has nothing to do with de 'fence' dat goes around de garden!

special H2G2 spelling?

Post 5


While we're on the subject of spelling, isn't 'pyjamas' sometimes spelt 'pajamas'? Is that the US spelling? American researchers, it's over to you...

special H2G2 spelling?

Post 6

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

A New Zealand researcher butts in. The following comes from Dictionary.com

pyjamas \Py*ja"mas\, or, chiefly US, Pajamas \Pa*ja"mas\, n. pl. A garment, similar to the Oriental pyjama adopted among Europeans, Americans, and other Occidentals, for wear in the dressing room and during sleep; also, a suit of drawers and blouse for such wear.

defence n. and v. Chiefly British Variant of defense

h2g2 style is based on British English usage which, I suppose, is why they keep on putting the letter 's' on Maori plurals - there is no 's' in the NZ native Maori language. Of course h2g2 is written in English, not Maori... nor American... nor German... Munich not Munchen...


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