A Conversation for Gloomy Sunday - Music to Die for?

Ah, at last...

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I looked and looked for this song once. Thanks for putting the story together.

You know that the story is repeated in the book 'Schindler's List' by Thomas Kenneally?

Kenneally says that two Jewish brothers who provided entertainment for the SS once noticed a depressed officer, and kept playing 'Gloomy Sunday' until he shot himself.

So who knows?

Personally, I'd feel suicidal if somebody kept playing the theme from 'Gilligan's Island'.

Ah, at last...

Post 2


I've never read 'Schindler's List' I'm ashamed to say so I've not heard that no! Glad you like the entry smiley - smiley

Ah, at last...

Post 3

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Fascinating! Personally, I'd always hope that playing "I'm all out of love" live would cause the band Air Supply to asphyxiate themselves out of sympathy for humanity....

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