Preoccupied Fishmonger

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Take a look in front of you.

Yes, you with the white-piped blue apron and the boater.

See those two mackerel. I'll take them.

I've got mouths to feed.

And four hake fillets.

May as well while I'm here.

See this fax?

It's from the United Nations; yes they probably do like seafood.

Over there behind the gurnard.

What's that, whitebait? I'll take a pound.

Lightly fried on some toast you think? Thanks.

Haven't had whitebait for years.

And as for the eels,

Are people still buying them?

It's from the desk of the Sec-Gen's Ass.

She's got an idea that could alleviate world-poverty.

Trite? This isn't trite.

It's satire. Burning, ardent and acerbic.

Oh Trout.

Sorry. You're a bit posh for a fishmonger.

Yes, you're right, Trout is a favourite with the ladies.

Exquisitely aromatic, succulent and tasty.

And yes, it cuts a fine dash.

She says:

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.

Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Put you out of business though, won't it?

A Tribute to Pinniped



Montague Trout

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