A Conversation for Bass Guitars

Boogie nights

Post 1


The bass has, of course, also been absolutely central to the development of modern dance music, from Seventies disco to the present day. With the advent of the drum'n'bass genre, it has reached centre stage as never before.
Love the footnote, BTW! Perhaps some avant-garde band should try to play the bass smiley - fish - or would that be cruel? smiley - winkeye

Boogie nights

Post 2

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Not as long as they play the Trout quintet.... smiley - smiley

Boogie nights

Post 3


From what I hear it features some intricate scales and requires deft fin-gerwork. smiley - smiley

I have to hand it to Andy, this is a cool and funky Entry. Mentioning Geddy Lee put it over the top for me.

Boogie nights

Post 4


Well, first off, thanks so much for the compliment. And I couldn't have possibly made an entry about basses without mentioning Geddy Lee, could I?

Anyway, I just realized that I was reading the horrible fish puns while listening to Stevie Wonder's Musiquarium (with fish as music notes on the cover). Funny how life does that to you sometimes.

I recently bought myself a Steinberger bass, and I carry a tackle box full of cables, strings and such to gigs. Often, as I'm leaving or returning home, I'm asked "going fishing?" or "catch anything?" After reading these entries, I'm inspired to come up with new answers for those questions.

So, on that note, keep up the puns. I think they may require a follow-up entry. (Volunteers?)


Post 5


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