A Conversation for WB Yeats - Irish Writer
Irish Writer?
Secretly Not Here Any More Started conversation Aug 14, 2007
What's so special about him being Irish?
C838 hardly categorises everyone by nationality, but this seems to draw focus on Yeats being Irish, which is hardly a unique state of affairs .
Nice entry though?
Irish Writer?
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Aug 14, 2007
Much of Yeats's early work was an attempt to put the myths and hopes of Ireland into writing. He certainly would have thought of himself as an Irish poet rather than just a poet. In his later years, he broadened out into more general poetic subjects.
Irish Writer?
Secretly Not Here Any More Posted Aug 14, 2007
Ah right. I learn something new every day!
Irish Writer?
4me-2me (Please don't 8me) Posted Aug 14, 2007
Thanks a lot for the entry, I always want to know who was that Yeats that some English authors wrote about, but I never think of him while I'm on the Internet...
Now I know a bit more, I'm ready to try to find some of his poetry, any suggestion?
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Irish Writer?
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