A Conversation for An Exotic Tour with Ian Dury and his 'Rhythm Stick'
Editorial Feedback Note
Phil Started conversation Jun 16, 2004
Seems like a very minor mistake has creeped into the text for this entry (excellent as ever DD)
On the bit about Bombay, the last line in the first paragraph reads
"However, this was only important to the Portuguese in their guest to head further east."
Do you mean "However, this was only important to the Portuguese in their quest to head further east."
Where the Portuguese are questing to the east or were they on a luxury round the world trip, guesting it all that way
Editorial Feedback Note
compo Posted Jun 16, 2004
In the first line of your reply to this excellent article,shouldn't it read that a small mistake "has crept in" and not "ceeped in"?
Editorial Feedback Note
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Jun 16, 2004
Cheers for that, Phil, although to be sure we see feedback, it's best posted to the Editorial Feedback page (you can find that by clicking the 'Feedback' link in the menu bar).
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Editorial Feedback Note
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