Omaha, Nebraska, USA

1 Conversation

Omaha1 is much like Reno, Nevada, USA in that it is one of the largest small towns you will ever find except that Omaha is nothing like Reno. Omaha is a city of contrast and paradox. It is a hilly bluff set in the flat state of Nebraska. It is a modern city, set in a conservative and rural stretch of the midwest.

A Brief History

Originally inhabited by the Ogualla Sioux and Omaha Tribes, Omaha was a major center of trade, and a gateway between the colonies and westward expansion. The name was a Native American Indian term for "River City". The town consisted of two cities intially, Omaha and South Omaha, the industrial side of town, where the stockyards would be built.

Were it not for a cheap hotel mattress, Omaha might be one of the largest cities in the world. For you see, Abraham Lincoln did not enjoy his stay in an Omaha hotel, and decided to route the young country's trade through Chicago, Illinois instead. Chicago consequently grew into the third largest city in the United States. The state capital was also yanked from Omaha when proof was discovered that the election to have the capital building in Omaha was rigged.


"He's not heavy, Father. He's my brother."

The historic Omaha stockyards still operate today, and the world's finest beef is produced within. The Union Pacific Railroad, famous for the "Golden Spike" that united the country coast-to-coast, began their project in Omaha and operate out of the city to this day. Omaha also hosts one of the world's finest zoos. The Henry Doorly Zoo has the world's largest indoor rain forest, an omnimax theatre, and other fascinating things that are so incredibly fascinating they escape my memory at the moment. The Aksarben (Nebraska spelled backwards) colesium is a popular spot, however Omaha's most recognizable landmark is Boy's Town, and the statue located in front of Boy's Town. Founded by Father Flannagan, and immortalized not only in stone, but in song and the film "Boy's Town", the project has grown and now several of these treatment centers can be found across the country. And while it is not really a landmark, thousands flock to Omaha as summer draws to a close for the College World Series. However, if you were to ask an Omahan about their big landmark, they would all point downtown to the Old Market.

Old Market

A Hitchhiker has not passed through Omaha until they have stopped at the Old Market. It is simply a small section of town, flocked with brick roads, horse drawn carriages riding along the downtown traffic, restrauants and shopping. The park provides a wonderful view of the city, but the Old Market is more than the sum of the shops and restraunts contained within. It has become a mecca for socialites yearning for a night life the midwest seldom offers. You can buy old books, antiques, tobacco, music, coffee, vegtables, jewerly, and even vintage Playboy magazines. You can grab a slice of pizza, or partake in some of the midwest's finest dining at the French Cafe, the Passport, and Omaha Prime.

In Closing...

If the stark changing seasons, and low crime rate don't shock you at first glance, the attitude of Omahans will surely take you by suprise. While many are accustom to avoiding eye contact, and pretty much any form of contact with strangers, it is not unusual for stangers to greet each other on the street in Omaha. Nebraska football is a common topic of conversation, as is the rapidly changing weather. Almost equally frightening is the sudden realization that public transportation in Omaha is relatively safe and graffiti free. A marvelous place to live, but since so few travel here, it remains a growing, yet unnoticed jewel in the midwest.

More of my ramblings can be found here.

1There is a recent independent film entitled Omaha, filmed in the city of Omaha. Perhaps you saw the film at the Sundance film festival, or on the Sundance film channel, but this movie has little to do with the city itself.

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