A Conversation for Wubbas

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 1


What a truly excellent Artical, but it needs a reference link to an article on the Discordian Movement, I dont have one one me, but there are a few on the Guide already.

I was at a party last night full of wubbas, and it was certainly evident that I was a wubba in many of their stories.

An interesting aside to all of ... this is the interesting feeling you get when a wubba comes into the foreground of your life. If you are paying attention you can almost metaphorically 'hear' a Fifth Buisness character move from saying "Wubba wubba wubbba . . ." to something more distinct and important.

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 2

Researcher 93445

Yes, it would be nice to have a link to an entry on Discordians. However, I don't believe that any of those entries have been approved, and I think the policy is to only cross-link approved articles. Whether the editors will ever go back and add in new links is an interesting question. I suspect we're up against the limits of the software here.

Living out nearly in the middle of nowhere, I don't get the chance to meet too many wubbas in real life any more. Some time I shall have to do an entry on being a modern hermit.

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 3


I work with a bunch of wubbas.

They all seem to be doing something, but I have no idea what. I kid you not. I started here 3 years ago and we only had 15 people on staff. We now have over 200. I gave up trying to keep track when the people introducing the new employee around were people I had never met before.

They all seem to know me and my name. kinda scary. But, I figure, they aren't harming anything, so... I let them be.


Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 4

Researcher 93445

Ah yes, I probably should have mentioned that one of the native habitats of the wubba is the cubicle farm, as found in many large companies. I worked in one once (thankfully as a consultant rather than an employee) where people would regularly get lost during their first month or two at the company. Endless miles of identical corridors and gray fabric walls...

There's no point in molesting wubbas. Whatever satisfaction you might derive from poking one with a stick fades quickly, and there are always more of them then there are sticks.

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 5

Demon Drawer

I must be a wubba in most of the employees of my last two office's life. I was one of those people who went around everywhere dilivering my days work at the end of the day. I came across everybody in that building 600 at any time. They all knew me or what I did, I had no idea what most of them were up to.

I suppose each researcher is a wubba to every other researcher, with the cross pollination of ideas in all the numerous forums we all must be extras in each others approach to other researchers, articles and forum entries. Just think of the number of wubbas across the whole web. On second thoughts let's not unless you're Zaphod and have a pretty keen grasp of your own ego.

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 6

Researcher 93445

Ah, but you see...the moment you post a comment to one of the topics I read, you stop being a wubba in my H2G2. There are 30,000 researchers out there, and most of them are barely background noise to me. But a few dozen are friends to one extent or another, people I recognize and interact with. The beauty of H2G2 is that it lets us overcome mutual wubbahood by getting to know one another (true, it's a slow process, but who could handle 30,000 new friends all at once?).

I'll be off to your home page now to see who you might be.

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 7

Demon Drawer

I see what you mean. Is started to distinguish a few of the wubba's from the cream. I'm off to nfl.com for a quick score update from New York now.

Wubbas, Not Just For Breakfast Anymore

Post 8


ah, wubba world.

Sorry, couldn't help myself. The pun was just there, ready for the taking.

My wubba world was just moved to a cubicle farm. I am now ensconsed with my crew (not wubbas), and a whopping 3 block walk from the main office and the legions of wubbas that reside there.
I actually like it better here as the number of interruptions from wubbas asking for things that have no relationship to anything that I do has ended and I can actually do some work. Cool.

The good news is that we have room for a dart board (already bought, just needs to be hung), and we are right above an restaurant and all we have to do is hop down the stairs to be in the bar area. Of course, that is a haven for wubbas that all seem to want to buy you drinks. Must be my hair clip.

Toodles for now

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