The Package

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It was a dark, windswept night. Maybe it had something to do with the lack of light and the

weather I couldn't be sure. But one thing I did know, was that it was very dark and very windswept

where I stood at the corner of the road, by the big puddle of rainwater. Of course I didn't know

there was a big puddle there, not until I got drenched as a car went by, so not only was I windswept

but very cold as well. A cold so penetrating that I could feel the warmth being sucked out of my

body, making my teeth chatter and my bones rattle, not literally of course, it just felt that way. I

hugged the package closer to me, to keep it safe.

I stepped out into the road, you have to if you need to get to the other side, luckily I remembered

the puddle and didn't step into it, but unluckily I forgot to look for cars and one swept by me so
close I could feel the wind of its passing. I stepped back with a soggy splash, and the blaring sound
of the car horn jangling in my ears, I guess it wasn't going to be my night.

You don't realise quite how uncomfortable it can be with wet foot attire until you walk in them,

the soggy squelching noise as you take every step, your feet turning into blocks of ice, the general

feeling of discomfort. I hunched deeper into my coat as I finally reached the pavement on the other

side of the road, to say I was unhappy would be an understatement, I felt like the king of unhappy.

What more could go wrong tonight?

That I could be so easily taken by surprise surprised me. The mugger demanded my money, and my

coat but said I could keep my shoes, his were in better condition, and also the package which he just
stared at with alarm. I tried to think of something to help my situation, but realised that there was
nothing for it but to give him what he wanted. He went away whistling as I stood and watched,
shivering in the darkness, the wind tugging at my thin shirt.

I trudged onwards, moving ever closer to my destination. Turning onto a side road, tree's on

either side, like eerie sentinels, creaking and groaning in the wind, but at least offering a little

protection from the elements until the rain came.

This was not a normal rain of course, this was a cloud burst, water in torrents descending down

onto my unprotected head, making me gasp aloud. My footing became treacherously slippery, every

footstep a battle, I was blind in a world of feeling. I tried to shield the package as best as I


My flaying hand felt something solid, wooden, a fence. I used it to pull myself along, half dragging

my weary body, until I reached the gate, the latch broken, I almost tumbled to the ground as it swung

inwards. I staggered up the path, towards a square of brilliance in the distance. I fell heavily
against the solid woodenness of the door, gasping for breath. Shakily I reached for the heavy brass
knocker, raising it and letting it fall with a hollow thud, again and again until finally I heard the
unmistakeable sounds of a key turning in a lock and slowly the door opened.

'Hello, what do you want?' The suspicion was like a knife through my belly, I hadn't expected

that. I pulled myself up to stand tall.

'I have something for you,' I replied holding out the package.

The woman glared at me, and then stared at the package. 'You're late.'

'I, my vehicle broke d..own I had to walk...' I couldn't help the quaver in my voice from the


'Well, it says in the advert that I get 50% off if you're late delivering,' the woman sniffed as she

opened the door all the way and grabbed the package. 'And it feels cold, I hate cold pizza!' She
growled as she thrust a few coins into my hand. 'Don't expect me to use your firm again!' She
finished as she slammed the door into my face, the force of the blow knocking the coins onto the
ground to disappear into the darkness.

I stood for a moment, and then turned and walked away into the night, not knowing where I was
heading or caring, just hoping it would be somewhere better than here.

Greebo T. Cat

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