A Conversation for Movies

Motion picture?

Post 1


Surely the term "Movies" derives from the phrase "moving picture" and not, as you state, "motion picture", a notion that makes little sense given english speakers' natural inclination in forming shortened versions of common phrases. I think this foul and unnatural rumour should be crushed and obliterated here and now.

The rest of the article, however, is a near-uninterrupted flow of wisdom and erudition, albeit with a slight US-centric bias in the final section. All that it lacks, perhaps, is a little more detail and accuracy in the depiction of the modern age of film; far from defeated by the challenge of home viewing, cinema attendances worldwide are surely booming, the movie studios raking it in more than ever; and advances in cinema (digital film, all the crazy special effects nonsense etc, the spread of the multiplex) are bringing changes that will perhaps one day be seen as as great as the introduction of sound, colour and funky seventies stereo sound into our moving pictures.

Nevertheless, Mr Garland, I salute you

Motion picture?

Post 2

Zach Garland

I thank you for the kind words. And I agree that "moving pictures" is actually where the phrase "movies" comes from. I'll claim as an excuse a typo, or perhaps a momentary lapse of reason.

As for the last bit, it is rather Americanized because I am American; a handicap of ethnocentrism which occasionally suits me. Since writing this piece I realize that there is a resurgence of good filmmaking in the form of Independent film, but most of the major companies have fallen back on shock and spectacle. It is rare to find something made today that can match works like The Maltese Falcon or Citizen Kane.

You caught me at a good time. I haven't been in h2g2 in awhile. Sorry it took me a week to respond, but it could have been months. I should come in here more often.

Motion picture?

Post 3

Frankie Roberto

MPAA - Motion Picture Association of America

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