A Conversation for Reading, Berkshire, UK

Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 61

Insane Endeavour

Good point! But at least Arthur Dent doesn't think of it as worse than hell and the sea doesn't stay as solid as a rock and the buildings wash up and down! smiley - winkeye


Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 62


I thought that a very true description of Southend...
The only semi decent thing there is the peir - oh, and a rather nice escalator.

Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 63

Insane Endeavour

I've actually never been so I couldn't say! smiley - smiley


Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 64

The Fish

Likewise... But I trust BB's judgement on the placesmiley - smiley

As for the Station... Railtrack are planning to knock the entire thing down and build a big new one. With two levels of track, to increase thoughput capacity.
Meanwhile they plan on building a couple of temporary stations further up, and lower down the line...

I found out the other day, that the old Odeon Cinema is going to be turned into apartments! Goodness knows how much they'll charge for them!smiley - smiley Also the Oracle phase 3 (Where Debenhams used to be) is going to have a couple of apartments in aswell!

As for Drugs... I don't quite think the police are capable of doing much about alot of it... they did shut down "The Jack of both Sides" Pub, which was one of the local hot spots for drugs... But otherwise I haven't hered much on either front...

Whitley I guess is quite tame really... I mean my Dad's from there, as is one of my friends dads.. But they grew up when it was less problematic... But compared to London or other cities, Reading is quite peaceful. And despite the "Pub Land" being created in Friar street, little seems to happen of much...

smiley - fish

Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 65

Insane Endeavour

Oh yes! The infinite land of pubs, pubs and nothing but pubs! smiley - smiley Is there actually going to be anything else but pound shops and the like, and pubs along Friar Street within about a year? I'd be interested to know!

The prices of the apartments in the Oracle are going to be about the same as new apartments everywhere in Reading - terrible! Forget it costing an arm and a leg,; these'll no doubt cost you every limb you own!!! smiley - smiley


Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 66

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

Congratulations on becoming an ACE. smiley - smiley

Reading is in fact quite nice!

Post 67

The Fish

Indeed! Well donesmiley - smiley

I have no Idea... but I'm sure they may well merge somewhere in the middle...smiley - smiley Then maybe you'll see a new breed of pound pubssmiley - winkeye

Have you heared about the plans to build a 20 storey office block where the old Prudential building used to be...(round the back of the library)...? It'll be almost twice as tall as the Foster Wheeler building by the station AND the one above the BroadStreet Mall!

smiley - fish

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 68

Monkey Boy

The place does seem to have at least one quality....There are so many people willing to defend the place. Well done all you Reading folk. Fly the flag high!!!!!!

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 69

alicat (Patron Saint of Good Taste)

LOL. smiley - tongueout Well done indeed. Hi MB. Good to see you hanging around. Here's a few cases of bottled love, for the good citizens of Reading. smiley - smiley

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 70

Insane Endeavour

Thank you for the congratulations! smiley - smiley

Pound pubs? Now that would be an idea that would go down well with Reading folk!
Or perhaps you'll get pub pound shops... I can see the marketing now: "Buy one of Reading's pubs for only a pound!!! Make a fortune selling completely overpriced drinks!"... Or perhaps that's already happened!!! smiley - smileysmiley - bigeyessmiley - smiley


As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 71

The Fish

Well it doesn't seem to have stopped...
smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 72


I like what they've done with Reading Station (apart from the barriers smiley - sadface) with the flat screen monitors. The best thing is, of course, having a Cornish Pasty stall in the station. How classy is that?
But it's never actually open when you want it to be - such as at 11pm. smiley - sadface

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 73

The Fish

Terrible isn't it... I'll have to comlian to them about more flexible opening times... smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 74


Yes, you do that. I wanted a Cornish Pasty, but was forced to resort to BK. smiley - sadface

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 75

The Fish

Why don't you suggest that Mac'ies do Cornish POasties? smiley - bigeyes

smiley - fish

As much as I hate Reading..........

Post 76

The Fish

...or even Cornish Pasties smiley - winkeye
smiley - fish

As much as I love Cornish Pasties..........

Post 77


I don't think a mass-produced cornish pastie could ever be as nice as a proper pastie - it just wouldn't be the same.

As much as I love Cornish Pasties..........

Post 78

The Fish

It's just like ANY fast food, it neve tastes as nice as something that people have taken time to prepare, and have used quality ingredients. smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

As much as I love Cornish Pasties..........

Post 79


Does this, though, strictly belong in the Reading conversation? They are Cornish, and not Reading, pasties afterall smiley - winkeye

As much as I love Cornish Pasties..........

Post 80

The Fish

Hmm... I seem to have been crossing my conversations somewhat recently... smiley - smiley
smiley - fish

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