A Conversation for Prune and Apple Stuffing Balls

not just a load of balls!

Post 1


nice one; mort!

one of the few things i miss about being a veggie is stuffing (NO COMMENT please!) so i shall try this one.

They are big on prunes here in france, don't seem to have the same snigger factor as in UK; maybe school dinners are better?


not just a load of balls!

Post 2

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

The secret is to get them as crispy as you can on the outside which often frying them on a very high heat and removing them just before they get cremated smiley - winkeye

I know what you mean - the 'snigger' effect! However, it has to be said that these do stimulate nature in a nice healthy way smiley - winkeye

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