The h2g2 Poem

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Dark Fringe

Black pebble eyes — worked smooth and shiny

From the stream of life as it flowed past

And left your heart feeling oh-so-tiny

(That barely a lonesome shadow you cast) —

Hiding behind a fringe of black hair, you gaze at the world so cold.

It doesn't seem to know you're there, because you find it hard to be bold

Enough to speak your true mind and find a straight way to tell

The ones who are so cruel, so unkind, they can all go to hell.

Instead, you let the hurt remain and, with slow bites, it eats away

All the thoughts you hold within, and darkness seems to stay.

Promises broken lie in shards on the floor

And you wonder if you can take any more.

Huddle in the corner and refuse to talk;

No point in speaking; you dare not walk

For fear of the cuts and the bruises you'd receive.

The words falling from lying lips, you can't believe

How they infest your mind and seem to bore

Their insidious poison right to your core.

Along your skin

A chill creeps in;

You shudder as you find

It's sheathed in black

From the attack

That grapples with your mind.

Words of derision, words to hurt, words of cold disdain,

Words that circle down like vultures, words wielding searing pain.

They spin you around and twist you up,

And cause your thoughts to reel;

They pour you out from a broken cup,

So nothing's left to feel.

They slice and tear without a care;

Each leaves an ugly mark.

You're spent and breathless, feeling worthless,

While crouching in the dark.

Time slowly passes

As black molasses;

It drags along

And seems all wrong.

Each ticking whisper echoes in slow cadence of the clock

In starless subterranean chambers made of cold hard rock.

In the distance, a tiny ember glows and flickers, jumps to life.

It’s then you finally remember days devoid of constant strife.

Your tentative hand, trembling, reaches toward the elusive firefly glow

Of warmth shared, of laughter, of love, and it's then you know

There must be more to this world than incessant dark.

Hope flares and glimmers with a single bright spark

And grows in luminescence to dispel the cloying void of gloom,

Hung like a shroud upon your shoulders as you sat alone in your room.

You let it slip and shed the weight.

You breathe and watch it dissipate.

The sadness goes;

Like fog, it blows

Away upon

The rising sun.


Takes flight.

A new morn

Is fast born.

From deep velvet

Of last sunset,

Emerges royal blue

To quickly change in hue

From umber to amber, from yellow to white.

It washes your world in warmth and light

To uncover the goodness long hidden below

The gossamer veil of tears you can now let go.

A warm breeze kisses your cheek and ruffles your hair;

You inhale the sweet scent of flowers on the air.

Memories flood back, and you recall

Times without any worry at all.

Family and friends surrounded you; they always seemed so near.

Your loved ones spoke tenderly and also held you dear.

Wrapped in their arms, safe from all harms, you had true confidence

No ill could hide, nor long abide, where godly radiance

Laid bare the truth to simply be a witness for your eyes,

The honest proof for you to see, of love's strong heartfelt ties.

You rise to face the brand new day, encouraged to begin

To shed false fears, to shed a ray of new light from within.

Without the long-time burden, you find your voice now sings

A tune that's overflowing with the joy this freedom brings.

Give thanks to those who waited. Give thanks to God above,

Who rescued you from a self-made snare, by his never-ending love.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

Poetry by The Blue-eyed Bipedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse

The Blue-eyed Bipedal Bookworm from Betelgeuse

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