A Conversation for 'The New Yorker' - A Conde Nast Publication (1987 - present)
Further Reading:
Leo Started conversation Apr 30, 2007
'About Town: The New Yorker and the World It Made' by Ben Yagoda
This book covers the entire history of The New Yorker magazine.
'Gone: The Last Days of The New Yorker' by Renata Adler
Covers the early Gottlieb period closely, and the Brown period from a distance.
'The Last Days of The New Yorker' by Gigi Mahon
Covers the finances of the early Gottlieb days.
Not much written on the subject for reasons that may be obvious: those that know the most are still dependent for a living on the people they'd chronicle.
I haven't read: 'A Life of Privilege, Mostly' by Gardner Botsford
If he's retired, it might be interesting.
Roger Angell's 'Let Me Finish' has incredibly little to say on the subject.
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