A Conversation for 'The New Yorker' - Ross's Little Magazine (1925 - 1951)

Further Reading:

Post 1


If you've found this at all interesting, here are some books that go into much more detail:

smiley - star'About Town: The New Yorker and the World It Made' by Ben Yagoda
This book covers the entire history of The New Yorker magazine.

smiley - star'The Years with Ross' by James Thurber
A very entertaining read about, well, the years when Ross was at the helm. Facts may be slightly exaggerated for effect, but it's worth it.

smiley - star'Here at the New Yorker' by Brendan Gill.
Gill gives Ross a drubbing, but he includes interesting stories about other writers on The New Yorker at the time. Warning: don't believe everything. Katherine S. White died in middle of annotating 'Here at the New Yorker' for inaccuracies.

smiley - star'Ross, the New Yorker, and Me' by Jane Grant
I didn't read this one, so I can't answer for it. I hear it's very Grant-centric and not as entertaining as Thurber's version.

Other writings that overlap the subject include

smiley - star'Genius in Disguise' by Thomas Kunkel
Ross's biography. Fascinating.

smiley - star'Letters from the Editor' by Thomas Kunkel
Ross's letters. Highly entertaining, though reading anyone's letters gets tedious after a while.

If the general topic interests you consider

smiley - star'The Smart Magazines' by George H. Douglas
Covers the sophisticated magazines of the early half of the century. The New Yorker is one of the few to survive.

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