A Conversation for Occam's Razor
Aquinas was a better "philosopher"!
warner - a new era of cooperation Started conversation Sep 6, 2010
"St. Thomas Aquinas believed that truth is true wherever it is found, and thus consulted Greek, Roman, Jewish, and Muslim philosophers."
It seems to me that he trusted his own judgement, used his intelligence, and relied on God to correct him if he was mistaken.
He was a devout catholic priest .. so fairly orthodox in belief.
A great man!
- - -
Occam was a very controversial figure in his day, and was a "franciscan monk", who didn't believe in private ownership, and was extreme in a spiritual kind of way (bit like sufism in Islam)
Aquinas was a better "philosopher"!
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Sep 11, 2010
<<"St. Thomas Aquinas believed that truth is true wherever it is found,>>
so why??? when you are presented with truth do you refuse to accept the evidence and turn back to
'i don't believe it' and 'god did it'????
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Aquinas was a better "philosopher"!
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