A Conversation for Glad Day - The Life and Works of William Blake

William Blake

Post 1


Wow Piniped, what a great article! smiley - biggrin

I can't claim to know much about William Blake previously, although reading your article showed that I've heard more of Blake's poetry than I realised. My interest in Blake was sparked recently due to David Almond's children's book 'Skellig'. Fascinating reading, fascinating philosophy.

smiley - pony

William Blake

Post 2


Thanks!smiley - smiley
Coincidence : 'Skellig' has been on my bookshelf for about five years. My partner read it, and urged me to do so, but I've never got round to it.
Sounds like I better had!

William Blake

Post 3


Yes, an excellent article, full of love and appreciation of the great man. And I learned lots too, even though I did do Eng Lit myself... What a pity, for a subject like this in particular, that you couldn't include illustraions smiley - smiley

William Blake

Post 4


Thank you.
I'm pleased that some of my intent came through, and that a hero is so much admired.
You're right about the illustrations, of course. But if you could have the real thing, you'd hardly need me!
Pinsmiley - smiley

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