A Conversation for Hemming Pants or Trousers

Way too complicated!

Post 1

Cheerful Dragon

My husband is very particular about the length of his trousers, particularly the ones he wears to work. I have turned up more pairs of trousers for him than I like to think about and your instructions are far too complicated. Here's my method.

1. Get the wearer to put on the trousers (pants), with any belt or braces (suspenders) they might normally wear. They should also be wearing the shoes they intend to wear the trousers with. This makes it easier to get the length right. The trousers should be worn the right way round, otherwise they will look odd and not hang correctly as you adjust the length and pin them.
2. Gently turn up the legs, one at a time, with the excess fabric being turned INSIDE the leg. When each leg is the right length, mark the position with a single pin AT THE BACK OF THE LEG IN LINE WITH THE CREASE (or where the crease would be if there was one). Do NOT mark the position at the front of the leg, because this is where excess fabric tends to accumulate if the wearer is wearing flat shoes.
3. Ask the wearer to CAREFULLY remove the trousers. Turn the trousers inside out and lay them on an ironing board. Carefully arrange the trousers so that the waist is even all round and the leg seams line up. If you get the turned up area straight based on the marker pin and press with an appropriately heated iron, you SHOULD have a nice straight hem marked.
4. Cut off any excess fabric. You can now tack the hem in place and sew, or (my preferred method) use an iron, damp cloth and Wundaweb.

I know I used the word 'carefully' a lot in step 3, but if you use this method with care it's a lot easier than grovelling about on the floor with a packet of pins and a ruler.

Way too complicated!

Post 2

Wand'rin star

Hear,hear. Hooray for Wundaweb. If we're not talking about formal trousers, stick the hem up with staples or Sellotape - or just cut the excess off and let it fray. Surprisingly few people actually look at your turnups (or lack of) Incidentally would you like to explain how to turn up troiusers with turn-ups (cuffs)

Way too complicated!

Post 3

Cheerful Dragon

I would if I knew how, but Richard doesn't wear trousers with turn-ups (possibly BECAUSE they're too difficult to turn up). My only suggestion, if you want to wear trousers with turn-ups, is to get the store to do it. Some will do it free, others charge a fiver or thereabouts.

Our favourite source of casual trousers is Rohan (shops dotted throughout the UK). Their trousers are deliberately supplied long, so that they don't have to stock umpteen different lengths. They actually provide you with Wundaweb when you buy a pair of trousers, although I understand that some people just roll up the excess, if there isn't too much (and sometimes even if there is!). Rohan is one of the few places where I can get decent quality trousers that are long enough - I have long legs for my height and most manufacturers think that all women have 29" inside leg! (See my h2g2 home page for more rantings against women's clothing designers / manufacturers.)

Way too complicated!

Post 4


In addition to Wonderweb, I have successfully used strips of polythene. PVA glue is also useful, but use one that doesn't stain or be very very careful.

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