A Conversation for Student Food

Cheap, quick one-egg soup

Post 1

Wrinkled Rocker

One chicken stock cube
One egg
Boiling water.

Put 500ml boiling water in pot. Add stock cube and boil until liquid.
Beat egg in the meantime. When stock is all liquid, remove from stove and stir the stock to create a whirlpool effect. Pour the beaten egg into the centre of the whirlpool. smiley - drunk Leave for a minute or so for the egg to cook. This will serve two if accompanied by bread for dunking. Hot, tasty and cheap. smiley - ok
Add some leftover spagetti or other pasta if you like for bulk or texture.

Cheap, quick one-egg soup

Post 2


For people who are, unfortunately, not acquainted with the metric system, 500ml approximately equals 1 US pint. I believe that this soup is called "Egg drop soup", but don't quote me on that. It's very good, whatever it's called.


Cheap, quick one-egg soup

Post 3


Can I use this recipe in a book I am writing? Its a collection of recipes for my brother who is going to university - it won't be published - it'll just be a present for him, and I would be grateful if I could use this. It's very good!

smiley - smiley

Cheap, quick one-egg soup

Post 4


An even easier soup.
1 Tin of Baked Beans (ideally mash them but most people I know don't bother)
1 Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
Some Cheese and herbs to flavour.
Mix the Chopped Tomatoes and Baked Beans,
Heat for a few minutes
Add the cheese wait for the cheese to melt
Add the herbs

Cheap, quick one-egg soup

Post 5


Thanks so much!

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