Archive: TA/Thingite War

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Thingites vs. Terranic Army: The War

In early September of 2003 the Terranic Army declared war on the Thingites. The ensuing battles covered over 8 threads and lasted 10 days until the fighting stopped and 21 until Spook signed the ceasefire agreement.

September 3, 2003

It was a normal Wibble (Wednesday) morning. All was calm in the realm of the Thingites. But in the War Strategy room of the TA, trouble was brewing... The Terranic Army was in need of someone to fight. Suddenly, Creachy uttered those fateful words...

"can we attack the thingites?"

September 4, 2003

It began then. Spook quickly approved, and within a day Creachy had a status report of the Thingites, with their 302 members at the time. A number of TA officers, he found, were also Thingites. The TA quickly organized their attack, and Spook announced the war to the Thingites, both on "No! No! No!" and here.
Battle quickly followed, and within an hour the Thingites were fighting on not only the attack declaration, but their Counterattack, the Senior Officer's Quarters, the Barracks, and the War Strategy Room. As the day ended the battles had produced over 300 posts, and Jodan of the Thingites began the Peace Talks which of course would do no good for days. Bickering over continuity was common. Through all this the Thingites were having fun with their own Western on No! No! No!.The combatants agreed to wait until dawn to continue the fighting...

September 5, 2003

Another day came, and suddenly... the Sporkites attacked the TA too! A character known as "Right Neighborly Roy" came and gave a speech to the participants of the Peace Talks about rules, which was promptly ignored. More Thingite combatants arrived at the Senior Officer's Quarters. The Thingites had 8 people fighting, while the TA only had 5. That is statistically incorrect, the Thingites should have had 30, but no one really cares. Both sides agreed not to fight on 3No since posting there was so miserable that the battle could be over before you fight at all. Fighting is breaking out in the TA'sArmory The WSR is quickly annihilated through a combinatio of rams, grenades, and black holes.

September 6, 2003

Another day, still no end in sight. The SOQs are turning into a bit of a flaming Hell, destroying valuable administrative documents. The fighting in the WSR is becoming even more nonsensical, possibly because there is no such room anymore. Soon it's teatime. The Thingites emerge pretty much victorious on their own counterattack, flooding the place and serving hog guts to the TA on a silver platter. Wonko had decided to mess up the TA's Kitchens, which are quickly devestated, leaving the combatants eating lunch. Werekitty catches Clive and holds him hostage on the TA War Declaration, but he is quickly freed. A kendo battle develops there, then resolves and turns into a refridgerator war. In the SOQ Wonko had tied up Werekitty and put her to sleep with sleeping gas, so she'll have to fight him in the Dreamscape, where he is God. destroying most of the room, he takes her body to the Thingite HQ and chains her to a torture bed. She fails to escape, Rimmer comes in, and both manage to escape through some misunderstanding of the rules. Soon they have resorted to teatime there too, although most of the room is gone.

September 7, 2003

At this point peace and/or teatime have been achieved on 3 of the threads. Not much happens this day, except Gangorlas is taken from the SOQ to the Thingite HQ, but that has turned into a neutral spa so not much happens to him.

For the next few days there is little fighting and people are wondering when someone is going to write up a treaty. On September 13th, Werekitty created the Ceasefire. Jodan signed, representing the Thingites, on that day September the 13th, and Spook finaly signed the ceasefire on the 24th.

So it was over...

Or was it... that was but a ceasefire...


Until the war resumes...

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