Red Kite in the Ruck 4

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Club coverage is a little sparse this week owing to personal circumstances but normal service will be

resumed next week, meanwhile have glance at the so called 'Home ' teams - (apologies for readers for

whom these are not 'home') Remember though - Home is where the heart is, where's yours???

World Cup News

Another good week for the Home Teams in the Rugby World Cup with all four through to the

quarter finals, some easier than others! There was just one major problem, the early mornings

necessary to watch some of the matches! There are not many things that I would be settled down in

front of the TV for at 7.30 on a Saturday and Sunday morning, but I was this week. South Africa v

drew my attention on Saturday and it was worth every minute of sleep that I missed. Samoa

fought like tigers even though they admitted to still being tired from their game with England the

previous week. The score line at match end 60 - 10 showed the South African dominance of the game

but you had to feel some sympathy for a brave team who are so badly under funded.

Scotland made heavy weather of their game against Fiji just managing to scrape

through by 2 points, 22 - 20. It was not a pretty sight with Scotland playing well below an

acceptable standard to enable them to go much further in the competition with Australia as their next

opponents. They will need more than a little luck to prevail this time!

Ireland almost beat Australia finishing just one point behind, 16 – 17, but

this one point has now put them against the much fancied French instead of Scotland, a much tougher

nut to crack. Although they played well errors later in the game cost valuable points.

Wales against New Zealand was a gripping match with a Welsh side that seemed to

have regained some magic from its past. They managed to hold onto the ball stopping the opposition

from playing there usual style of rugby. An hour into the game they still led, however the All Blacks

found their form and the ball and raced to finish 53 – 37.

Watching England is always nerve racking, lately they have given a slightly nervous

performance and left you on the edge of your seat invoking support from every deity known. Still

against Uruguay we didn't need to worry, or did we? What a game! Yes England won, but not

without a battle. Uruguay did have huge holes in their defence but they also made England stand their

ground in defence of their own back line. Uruguay wanted - no demanded a try and after digging in on

several occasions and refusing to be pushed back finally had their prayers answered! Pablo Lemoine

will be feted everywhere he goes in his home country in recognition of his try against England. You

couldn't help but feel that they had earned it! The final score 111 – 13 said everything about

the outcome but nothing about the game. Josh Lewsey roared over with a record 5 tries shattering a

96 year old record. The 17 tries in the game also beat England’s best record in terms of the points

scored and the difference in points between both teams' score. England now look forward to Wales –

shouldn’t be a problem – who knows though - it’s a brave man that predicts the outcome of any match in

this series, and an even braver woman!

Zurich Premiership

London Wasps 30 Newcastle Falcons 26

Wasps were missing another player this week as Simon Shaw at last received his call to Australia to

replace an injured Grewcock. He has been said to be the unluckiest player who didn’t make the final

thirty to go down under – but he will be on the bench against Wales and no doubt will also show that he

has earned the right to be there. Wasps without Simon still managed a win on Sunday against

Newcastle Falcons although the lead changed throughout the game. Finally, three tries, three

conversions and three penalties took Wasps to a final score of 30 with Newcastle trailing on 26.

Wasps move up a place to 3rd in the table.

Look out next week for more details on the scoring system used in Premiership Rugby Union,

including an explanation on those confusing Bonus Points!

Zurich Premiership Team Standings

 Bath 8 31
 Northampton 8 26
 London Wasps 8 24
 London Irish 8 23
 Gloucester 8 22
 Harlequins 8 22
 Sale 8 19
 Newcastle 8 17
 Leeds 8 16
 Saracens 8 12
 Leicester 8 10
 Rotherham 8  0

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