H2G2 - GuideML - short TAGs

2 Conversations

There are some very short tags that will come in handy (if you write enough)

First the closed tags

We have the <BR/> TAG to go to the next line.

We have the <HR/> TAG to draw a line and go to the next.

All the following TAGs are supposed to surround content. Either a piece of text, an image or a more obscure object.

There is the always famous <P> TAG, to surround a paragraph. This one will just add one empty line before, close the paragraph and add an empy line after the paragraph.

You just have to add a <P> on the line before the paragraph and a </P> after the last dot.

An alternative for the <P> TAG is the <DD> TAG, it adds an indention before the first word.

We have the <U> TAG to underline something.

We have the <S> TAG to linethrough something.

We have the <I> TAG to tilt the font as the italian tower in pisa.

We have the <B> TAG to make the font bold.

We have the <H#> TAG to

size, bold and paragraph the text H0 == SIZE="8" H6 == SIZE="1".

We have the <EM> TAG to emphasize the font (Bold and italic).

We have the <BIG> TAG to make the font big.

We have the <SMALL> TAG to make the font small.

We have the <SUB> TAG to place small font lower on the line.

We have the <SUP> TAG to place small font higher on the line.

This one does not do fonts, it is just short.

We have the <A> TAG to name a sub anchor.

Using <A NAME="here"> in the Entry you can jump to that specific point on the page by using A1947305#here.

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