A Conversation for Neil Gaiman's Sandman

a bit lacking

Post 1


This entry starts good, with a quick overview about the original Sandman myth and a brief history of the series throughout its incarnations prior to Neil Gaiman's treatment. However, when it reaches the topic itself, Neil Gaiman's Sandman, the author doesn't tell us exactly what the series is about, and how it differs from its predecessors. Also, if it's relevant to discuss the series origins, it is even more relevant to write about what I call the comics British invasion - how and why did British authors like Alan Moore and Gaiman revolutionise the comics field and why was the Sandman so significant in that sense. Lastly and most importantly, the series itself, the main characters and motives of the plot should be mentioned. I'd swap the too long list of quotes with some accurate info about the series.

a bit lacking

Post 2

Minifig Thom

I think that the quotes section works better since the Sandman stands for itself. It is better to hint at the things that the series covers and then get people to read the comics themselves. The plot alone (and a difficult and complicated plot it is to describe anyway) sounds really quite stange and no concise telling of it could do it any justice.

I quite liked the article myself. If you feel an article on the resurgence of UK comics is needed, why not write an entry yourself?


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