A Conversation for Biological Weapons

Biological Weapons

Post 1

Iam Weasel

Scary things the governments of the world like to develop and threaten to drop on large numbers of people when they get out of line (like thinking for themselves or following religions that might not fit in with what people bigger than them like to promote.)
Nice article.
Can I play Kingpin?

Biological Weapons

Post 2


Cheers for the comment.

Biological Weapons

Post 3


ps ordinary BWs are scary but I am working on a article about 'ethnic' BWs; now these are really scary!

Biological Weapons

Post 4


Biological weapons are very nasty. Bad things.
For the population depleting fanatic, however, may I recommend genetic warfare which is truly horrible.
Take a genetic weapon, poison a community with it... and they won't realise until the next generation of children are born... without any heads.
I think you'll agree that this is positively yucky.
Apply to advanced middle-eastern dictators or the Pentagon.

Biological Weapons

Post 5


pssssst - Dunno if you've noticed, but it's possible that none of the Middle Eastern Dictators have WMD! Perhaps you should start your investigations in Porton Down (Hampshire/Wiltshire, UK) or the US's Center[sic] for Disease Control (or research).
I imagine that the Russian Federation's BioWeapons division is no longer active. (I Certainly Hope So!)

Biological Weapons

Post 6


in war there are two types of weapons, conventional weapons and CBN.
Conventional weapons are your average gun, knife, grenaide or bomb,
CBN, however is a whole new world, CBN stands for Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear.
As a weapon specialist I must say the worst of these is nuclear, when you drop a nuclear bomb the enviroment the people and everyone else parishes. its not as clean as chemical or biological.
Biological are next in line, they are designed to kill many humans very fast with
little harm to the enviroment.
Then there are chemical weapons, that kill people fast, without warning, and very painfully.
As one of the other posts said about Genetic weapons, such weapons (If any exist apart from the radioactive side effects of nuclear bombs) would be far to expensive and higher up on the technologic ladder for most nations to use effectively when there are much cheaper solutions to solve the problems.

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