Sock Lint
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
That fuzzy stuff that finds it's way between your toes after you've worn a new pair of socks the first few times. Harmless enough, or so it seems. Sock lint, while not the greatest of mysteries this planet has to offer, is a very perplexing thing.
Just where does it come from?
At first you may just pass it off as lose fiber from when the sock was made. All well and good, after a while it stops showing up. You wash them a few times, and assuming they don't disapear, you're rid of it... from that particular pair of socks anyway. Or are you? Every now and then it seems to come back, even though your socks aren't getting any thinner. But wait, if this lint is coming out of your socks, covering your toes, and your socks aren't getting thinner, then just where is it coming from? This is a question many have asked since the very first socks were made (and subsequently worn). To this day, though, no one really seems to know. Further more, no one even really wants to talk about it. The very mention of sock lint will bring snickers and odd looks, all the while everyone knowing that they wonder the very things they are laughing at the mentioner about.
As if this weren't enough, there's the ever linty black socks. The lint from this dark coloured foot covering never stops forming on your toes. It even wedges itself under your nails and darkens the lines of your toe knuckles; leaving you with black toes and a very embarrassed look on your face in the more intimate moments of your life. Not even those of darker skin are immune, for somehow this particular type of lint can change it's pigment enough to show up on any colour of skin, much in the way a chameleon changes it's colour in order to blend into its enviroment, only different.
With the ever growing popularity of the belief that socks are of alien origin, one is left with a vast number of fathomable (and equally vast number of unfathomable) posibilities as to the source of this gritty, stringy substance.
One thought which this researcher feels needs pondering is: Perhaps sock lint are spores, an attempt by your socks to make more socks. Using your toes to transfer the lint to other socks for pollination. Socks... having sex through your toes. Think about it.