Veiled Chameleons

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Chamaeleo calyptratus (veiled Chameleons) from the plains, slopes, and high plateaus of Yemen, are wholly remarkable creatures. Much like their human neighbors they consistently change their outward appearance in hopes of making themselves more or less attractive to members of the opposite sex.
As a result of these continual color changes they have completely forgotten who they are and they all suffer acute schizophrenia. This has led them to evolve in a very interesting manner. Their eyes having to cope with the multitude of personalities have evolved to rotate independently. This allows them to cope with two personalities at once. Aware of their imbalances they fear intimacy and like to eat from a distance. As a result, they have developed an extraordinary tongue. Much like frogs did as a result of their warts. Most of their other adaptations are fairly typical of lizards, with the exception of their feet. Each of the four of these is shaped like a two-sided mitten with no thumbs. It is speculated this is also due to the raging personality shifts within the ego of the chameleon. Although it is much more probable that it is for balance as many of these lizards are heavy beer drinkers.

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