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It's that strange fuzzy stuff that resides in your pockets, the bottom of your socks, even the darkest regions of one's belly button. It accumulates in places where formerly there was nothing, and never goes away. 'Tis lint.

Scientists have been pondering this mystery since the beginning of clothing. The mysteries of why our umbilibal cords are so quickly replaced by fuzz the moment the doctors wrap us in rags and why sweaters which were once soft and comfortable are now itchy and ugly are among the most fundamental mysteries of life, the universe, and everything. Indeed, a young patent clerk named Albert Einstein poured over this quandary long before he shook the world with his theory of relativity. A few Einstein loyalists insist that his experiments with static electricity and lint were the inspiration for his modification of long-held views of gravitic mechanics.

Inspirational, strange, unsightly, and yet wonderous in its very existence, lint may well be an unhailed universal constant.

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