The h2g2 Poem

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The Atheist...


'Anyone with a brain like mine,

Would see, before the big bang came,

Nothing was there, nor space nor time

Nor matter, nor for a God, a frame.

'There was no when and neither where,

No then or now, no far or near;

Nothing moved, no here or there,

No sound or sight, nor soul to care.

'So when at last the great big blast...'

'Hold on my friend, you’ve just declared

There was no "when", so no "at last".

Consistent be if to convince you cared.'

'Well happen it did, the experts trace

Its first faint sparks as they outwards race;

Creation of matter, time and space,

And first small spark of the human race.

'And passing aeons of new-made time

Form particles, the building blocks

From which the first-born atoms climb —

Hydrogen, from which our world unlocks.

'And moving out at speed of light,

These atoms join in ordered ways,

And in their lightning outward flight

Create the fabric of our days.

'There’s no creating hand behind

The universe we see and feel;

All is spontaneous; in the mind

Belief in Creator’s for the blind.

From mathematics to geometry,

From space-time to astronomy;

All is seen to obey fixed laws;

Tell me, my friend, who — what — made them?

By chance came it about

That matter intelligently behaved,

From simple atoms of hydrogen

A sphere diverse as this was made?

A sphere so deftly held in space,

That neither sun nor star can it displace;

Though all together they outward race

With solar system's glorious face.

The wood from trees man first tool makes,

And from the flints he strikes the flakes

That first steps in technology takes.

Just happened? Like our seas and lakes?

Fortuitous that in the ground

Copper and tin convenient found,

Fused together, beaten and ground,

Make axe, knife, vessel, and bangle round?

Then later on as man's skills grow,

Finds iron, which he comes to know

Its properties so diverse can show

Spring, knife, chisel, strong chain to tow.

As man advances, gets more bold,

Whate'er he needs he seems to find;

From tungsten, silicon, cobalt, gold;

Just chance? No, from a greater mind.

smiley - birosmiley - birosmiley - biro

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Len (Snowie) Baynes

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