A Conversation for How to Get a Doctor's Attention
Doctors attention.
Peta Started conversation Oct 3, 1999
It actually is quite hard to call an ambulance. First you have to admit its that serious!
Doctors attention.
KimotoCat Posted Oct 13, 1999
Or worse yet, to convince your child / sibling / spouse that he / she needs an ambulance.
This can be almost as dreadful as the actual need itself.
Doctors attention.
shazzPRME Posted Jan 27, 2000
I understand perfectly Peta There is a certain stubboness in us that makes us convinced that we don't really warrant the attention of a hospital/doctor...at the same time instinct tells us when something is wrong,especially where a child is involved. I am glad to hear that all turned out well and will keep your trust on the other matter to myself.
Doctors attention.
KimotoCat Posted Jan 27, 2000
The problem is that modern people are in control of so many things. We KNOW a lot of things, driving a car, changing a plug, cooking, reading, understanding basic physics. We really are in control today.
But when ilness strike, we are no longer in control. Admitting that takes courrage!
Doctors attention.
Peta Posted Jan 27, 2000
Thanks Shazz. It's a difficult call to make. But it's very important to get it right.
Doctors attention.
shazzPRME Posted Jan 28, 2000
Yes After raising 4 I can see it happening all over again with dear little Lee my son's boy
I am glad to say that his lovely wife Nikki is a natural
Doctors attention.
Researcher 143687 Posted Jul 9, 2000
really glad that you were able to persevere to get suitable medical attention.
ignorring and not taking patients seriously is surely medical malpratice?
getting your GP to take attention is also incredibly difficult when you have chronic ill health, I have also written a short article on this at http://www.upscm.fsnet.co.uk/intersti.htm it's the second article called TOP TIPS FOR HANDLING YOUR GP.
I'll post it here on h2g2 if I can work out how !
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Doctors attention.
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