Great Advertising Campaigns (Sotto Construzione)

14 Conversations

Sometimes pieces of inspirational work come out of advertising agencies. Instead of the usual drab washing powder adverts you get something really special that lives on in the memory for years. This is a tribute to those campaigns, and a call for them to be brought back again!


A yellow bird perchered on a telephone wire who advertised british telecom. My uncle worked for them so we had thousands of Buzby carrier bags and Buzby cardboard hates and Buzby badges. It was a sad day that BY dropped him in favour of Maureen Lipman and Bob Hoskins.


I think this was for milk marketing board - campaign phrase was "Watch out, watch out, there's a humphrey about". Humphrey's were invisibale and loved milk so much that they used to steal it by pokking really long stripey straws aound corners and through the foil of the milk.

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