The Tale of Three Weapons - Part 1
Created | Updated Nov 16, 2006
Chapter One - The Assassins
Josh and Rastlin were walking along after losing their first tournament in eight years. They were friends — best friends, in fact. They had met in a team tournament in which they had been randomly paired. They were usually hired swords, but they also battled in tournaments for extra money. Although they had lost their first tournament, they realised that they made great battle partners.
The reason they were great battle buddies was the fact that they were the classic team of brain and brawn, though this is not to say that Josh was super-intelligent or that Rastlin was stupid. Josh was a master of the magic arts and of agility (he also had some skill with money, especially memorising the values of foreign money, but that is a very minor detail). Rastlin was a master of weapons and power (he could also find the cheapest good-quality alcohol, no matter where he was, and get favors easily, but these are just coincidences). They also each had something that they did not understand or even know of yet.
'So,' Rastlin said, 'what are we going to do now?'
'I'm thinking,' said Josh.
'Okay,' said Rastlin, 'let's see what we have. All we have are the clothes that we're wearing, about enough supplies to last us a week, the twins1 and your staff2 — and don't forget, there won't be another tournament for three months.'
'I know,' said Josh, 'but it was the first round and that guy and that prize would've been enough for a long time.'
'Yes,' said Rastlin. 'Don't forget how low we are on supplies. Wait, look!' On the ground was a 75-zenoth coin that was enough for another week's supplies.
But after Rastlin dusted it off, Josh said, 'Are you forgetting that we're three weeks from a decent town, let alone a city? We're stuck in a desert: no animals, no edible plants and only recovery villages for the sick who need the restorative powers of the wilderness!' exclaimed Josh angrily.
'No, but every week helps. Besides, we might get an extra three or four days with the current prices. You said so yourself back there when you were wishing for a 75-zenoth piece.'
'Sorry,' said Josh. 'I was just thinking about that guy.'
'I know, it makes me angry thinking about him too.'
Josh and Rastlin walked in silence until they had walked the last mile to the next village.
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