
1 Conversation

Cracking clay, Gromit!

Plasticene is a kind of modelling clay - essentially clay and oil plus dye. For many years it was regarded as completely inert, although its spontaneous metamorphosis from a rainbow multitude of colours into a uniform shade of brown when nobody is looking has always been a source of speculation.

But then, out of the blue (or in this case the brown - Chas was the blue one), there came Morph1. Originally a segment within Vision On2, Morph started in 1976 and was produced by Peter Lord3 and David Sproxton, under the banner of Aardman Animation.

Nick Park (one of the Aardman team who created Morph) continued to explore the potential of plasticiene-based stop-motion animation and in 1989, with a risible budget, started work on his short film A Grand Day Out, the first Wallace and Gromit4 adventure. And it was successful. So successful that actual money was spent on the successors, The Wrong Trousers and A Close Shave. But plasticene actors were not receiving the recognition they deserved. In an attempt to head off plasticene rights marches5, the Motion Picture Academy of America awarded Oscars to the latter two films.

Plasticene is now seen as a mainstream material for manufacture of Hollywood leading actors, and is known to create a more lifelike result than the now seriously outmoded Roger Moore.

In the interests of completeness, here is the arcana to invoke plasticene (Note: US gallons and such):

10 lb microcrystalline wax

1/2 gal. #10wt oil

4 lb plain automotive grease

25 lbs dry clay powder (Such as Kentucky ball clay)

Melt wax, oil, and grease together in an (electric?) frying kettle or chip pan; stir clay in slowly once melted. Pour into shallow microwave-safe plastic containers, or into a wet plaster mould.

In fairness I would say that I use the following alternative recipe:

- Take 1 Early Learning Centre (Toys 'R' Us will do in a pinch)

- Ask assistant where the plasticene lives

- Add sufficient "Pounds" (or Dollars, Yen, Dinarii or other currency) to be allowed to leave the building unaccompanied by gentlemen in blue serge suits.

You can choose plasticene in a rainbow variety of different colours, all of which will transmogrify into brown if not adequately supervised.

Improved through judicous use of the Vegiman Fun Run Engine! More info here.
1an animated character made of, well, plasticene obviously2A programme on British television hosted by Tony Hart and Pat Keysell. The show was also notable for being the first mainstream British TV programme with signing for the deaf; and for introducing Sylvester McCoy, who later played Doctor Who.3No relation, as far as is known, to Jack Lord of Hawaii Five-O4two more stop-motion animation characters made of plasticene. Do you see a pattern emerging here?5Note to literal minded people: there may have been other reasons behind this award

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