A Conversation for Brainstorming
Technoyokel (muse of poetry) Started conversation Sep 23, 1999
This all sounds great, but its just jargon for chatting about something ( with lots of rules and no nastiness). Can it be relaxed with all the procedure that has to be followed. Isn't good-natured, constructive criticism good sometimes?
Still what do I know, I'm a dry stone waller who works with 1 or 2 other people, all we have to make decisions about as agroup is when to have tea breaks!
Evil Jack McDeath Posted Sep 24, 1999
...and, if I can refer you back to your comments in the Toilet Paper forum, which part of the field to give birth to the fish with no eyes.
Technoyokel (muse of poetry) Posted Oct 11, 1999
yeah but that isn't a group decision, we're not that sad you know- even if we are dry stone wallers!
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