A Conversation for 'Blade' - the Film

a little bemused...

Post 1


I very much enjoyed reading your article but I couldn't help noticing the distinctly positive tones!This film was awful!It was all I could do not to die laughing at some of the awful sequences involving explosions of a variety of anatomical parts, acting as wooden as the stakes and a love scene which involves a killer hicky!No, Blade is one to remain firmly off the movie hit list, granted the scene in the nightclub is sinister and striking enough to warrant a glance but apart from that don't risk the nightmares...you'll be dreaming in PVC at the end of it...

a little bemused...

Post 2


Can I confess something? I only started to write this article because I was asked to for a Uni film magazine which in the end didn't use this review anyway. I saw the film once for free at the cinema and never bothered watching it on TV since. It was okay, I just didn't find it particularly memorable. smiley - winkeye


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