
3 Conversations

The term paranormal is in and of itself paradoxical and illogical, because by its very existence, it seems to attempt definition of what is actually normal. Normality being a subjective concept, which differs from person to person, before one even begins to define it they find themselves in a perpetual quagmire of incongruity. Due to this problem, it is necessary to pinpoint "normality" as what society in general deems as "normal" irregardless of the endless arguments this will cause. The reason why this causes endless arguments is because one is forced to make yet another assumption. In general society accepts one of two standard theological types:

  1. Religious doctrine
  2. Scientific theory

Some believe science is just another religion. Others feel the study of the Bible and the search for unequalled blind faith if not the Lord All Mighty Himself is a science in and of itself. While this debate rages, we will suffice it to say for purposes of this guide entry, that anything which does not easily adhere to the standards laid out by those two general princicples of Science and Religion, falls under the catch-all phrase of "The Paranormal." If there is not a rational, plausible explanation for an incident, and it cannot be described or recreated before withnesses, and it is not "of" either Science or Religion, we have entered the realm of chaos.

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