A Conversation for Sculpting


Post 1


(There's a flaw, somewhere here; but I'll try again to express what I said here before, but got nowhere (nowhere that I know of).
Unlike a painting, sculpture gives "sight" to fingers; sculpture is something to feel and embrace. Sculpture intrigued such prominent painters as Matisse and Degas -- to name but two.
Sculpture is considered essential to any public or private collection of art in Europe, excluding the UK. Other than for an enlightened few in North America, sculpture is something that gathers dust.
That the last -- the previous-- posting on this subject came three or so years ago leaves me dismayed beyond suitable expression.
Sculpture is Michelangelo, Rodin, Brancusi, Matisse, Degas, Moore, Hepworth -- among others -- and so many others, on smaller thrones.
Sculpture can come so close to all that we were, are, and hope to be that it's either frightening, or reassuring. We can feel it. We can smell it, and, sticking out our tongue, taste it.

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