A Conversation for The Agony of Being a Chicago Cubs Fan

The agony of NOT being a Chicago Cubs fan

Post 1


I will probably be the first one against the wall when the revolution comes, but here goes.

Living in Chicago you are either a Cubs fan, a Sox fan, Bulls, Bears, Fire (soccer or Football for the none Americans), etc... Nobody is really a Black Hawks fan.smiley - biggrin However, I am NONE of the above. I feel the whole mess can take a long walk off a short cliff.

Because of this conversations with fellow males is usually short. The phrase "How 'bout those Cubs." always puts me into a snooze. It's difficult to get involed when it may cause strife from my friends whom like the opposing team, it usually gets ugly espesially after a few pints and it's ALWAYS expensive.

What's it all for? What does it change? In the end what affect does it have aside from contributing to the conversation, adding to an increasingly endless list of sports statistics that commentators constantly compare to each other, take up 1/3 of the nightly news, cut into TV shows that I would rather watch and of course make a very few people insanely rich.


Here comes the revolution. smiley - run

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The agony of NOT being a Chicago Cubs fan

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