A Conversation for The Pagan Custom of Handfasting

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Post 1


Fascinating entry Seraphina (I hope it's you, it's hard to tell with all the anagramming!) smiley - ok

I wonder if the broomstick thing is also where the expression 'to put the brush out' comes from? As far as I understand it, a woman who did so was signalling that she was free and available for male suitors smiley - witch

smiley - rainbow Lx

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Post 2


yeah its me smiley - biggrin

Hmm its posiible it could be where that expression comes from too, cant say ive heard of it

hows you?


Post 3


HI people/Just browsing and the subject of handfasting caught my eye,didnt realy know much about it but was aware of its custom in pagan and wiccan circles.The broomstick part as possible inclusion,made me think of the old song by Lulu-Jump the broomstick.I thought originaly it was probably part of some student or fraternity activity imported from usa-but if you consider the lyrics it seems likly that Lulu or whoever wrote the song had a far bit of understanding of handfasting.Well Im trying to get a little more understanding of pagan/wiccan ways and h2g2 is quite enlightening.Any suggestions for other H2G2 pages to check out would be greatfull accepted.Best reguards.Ruggy.


Post 4


Hello again.Just remembered another I believe obsolete use of broomsticks.when ships or boats were up for sale.When in harbour would raise a broom on the mast to indicate for sale.Could be another way of like putting a broom outside to say available.Just a thought.Probably not relivant but I do save useless info in my grey matter.Best reguards to all.Ruggy

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