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Exopolitics is a branch of political science examines the consequences of humankind making first contact with an alien species. While often confused with such things as 'Close Encounters' of various kinds, exopolitics specifically covers direct contact between humans and intelligent alien lifeforms. The term was first used around the year 2000, although UFO experts naturally claim that the ideas have already been in use for some time.


Using mankind's own dark history as a source of knowledge, it is quite easy to comprehend an alien race's desire to take over the Earth, be it as a source of resources, a staging point for war or travel, or simply because they don't like us. Exopolitics speculates that there are many ways in which hostile aliens may go about this, assuming that they find the planet in the first place. Most of these strategies have appeared in various forms of science-fiction, and are many conspiracy theories revolve around the more secretive forms of invasion.

Enemy Occupation

In this scenariom, the aliens fight an all-out war and successfully occupy part or all of the earth. Assuming they do not kill all the humans remaining in the occupied area, it would be probable that resistance efforts similar to those in France during the Second World War. Depending upon the efforts of mankind, the world would eventually either fall to the alien race or be recovered by mankind, or a peace treaty would be made between the two.

Territorial Occupation

Instead of simply attempting to dominate mankind, the aliens might judge humans to be a barbaric species and attempt to teach humans to be civilised. They may also make the Earth into one of many points in an organisation similar to the British Empire, exporting valuable goods back to their home planet. This sort of invasion includes a varied spectrum of outcomes, ranging from an alien race enforcing peace and benefitting mankind to the aliens using mankind mostly for their own ends. The response of humanity to such a situation might at first be peaceful in order to avoid war, although conflict may become inevitable if the alien race were to become too greedy.


The source of much paranoia over the years, this involves infiltration of the human race by an alien which either alters its appearance to look like a native species or takes them over in a similar way to 'The Thing'. If such an alien infiltration were discovered, it is generally predicted that the human response would be rather violent, especially if the aliens indicated that they intended to clear the planet of all the original humans.


Like the early Vikings, the aliens may judge all-out invasion a risky tactic and decide to perform raids, taking valuable supplies then leaving quickly before reinforcements can arrive. This would give mankind time to build defences against such attacks, and it is very likely that a large quantity of resources would be used on weaponry, echoing the arms race of the Cold War.


It is also possible that an alien race may win control of the Earth simply by delivering an ultimatum that they will annihilate the world with a simple flick of a switch, holding the entirety of humankind to ransom. This bears similarities to a hostage situation, as political leaders might attempt to call the alien's bluff, or negotiate payment of a tribute to the aliens in order to return to status quo.

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