A Conversation for Byzantium: Constantine XI and the Fall of Constantinople
End of Constantine XI
marcuso Started conversation Oct 3, 2007
Hiya new member of conversation. Doing a bit of research for book. Has anyone heard alternative legend that C not buried in cave but vanished with angel in to one of great pillars of Hagia Sophia? Interesting variant. Wd like to hear more about it. Can anyone help?
End of Constantine XI
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Oct 3, 2007
There's certainly a legend that some priests vanished into the wall of Hagia Sophia, and that they will return when it is given back to the Greek Orthodox church. But I'd never heard that it was Constantine himself. It seems unlikely, since he was last seen at the city walls, between the inner and (destroyed) outer wall.
End of Constantine XI
marcuso Posted Oct 9, 2007
Yes I'd heard the monks legend. But given that the book is a novel, I rather like that concept as a good dramatic climax. (also gives a chance for a good poetic epilogue). I like this site very much - interesting people on interesting subject. Thanks for your reply.
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End of Constantine XI
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